Archive for July, 2018

What Does Kingdom Mean in the Bible?

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

When the Bible Speaks of a Worldly or a Heavenly Kingdom – What is Kingdom?

Thank you for your question. It’s a tough one, because there are many different views of what the “kingdom” means in the scriptures. I adhere to a dispensational view, which is best described by Lewis Sperry Chafer, as follows:

1) The Kingdom of God – All intelligence creatures in heaven or on earth who are willingly subject to God.

2) The Kingdom of Heaven – Any sort of empire that God may have on earth at a given time:

– Theocratic – Such as the nation of Israel had in Old Testament times

– Covenanted – This then became the nation hope of Israel.

– Predicted – Bible prophecy anticipates a glorious kingdom for Israel on the earth.

– Announced – The ministries of John the Baptist, Christ, and the Apostles announced the kingdom for the nation of Israel, but it was rejected.

– Postponed – As a result, the earthly kingdom was postponed until Christ returns (Second Advent).

– Mystery – The present state of Christendom are a mystery form of the kingdom (Matthew 13:11).

– Realized – The kingdom of heaven will finally come to realization during the end times, at the time of the millennium–the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth.



What was the Acid Test for Different Scripture being Added to the Bible?

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

Basically, the acid test for different Scripture being added to the Bible consisted of 15 criteria:

1) Quotations: A major argument for verifying the authenticity of scripture through the years has involved examining which books were quoted by the canonical books.  For example, some will argue that since none of the books of the Apocrypha are quoted in our Bible, then that serves as proof that they do not belong in our Bible.

2) Literature: Another closely related argument says that we need to study what other non-canonical literature claims about the Canon.  For example, the famous Jewish historian, Josephus, claims that the real Old Testament is the 22-book Jewish Old Testament like our 39-book Old Testament. This argument gains credibility because of the testimony of men who lived so close to Old Testament times.

3) Divine Inspiration: Some scholars believe that no other books claim to be divinely inspired as they believe the Old Testament does, by 2 Timothy 3:16.

4) Prophets: Scripture can only be recorded through the divine revelation from God.  Since there were no prophets during the period of the Apocrypha, how could it be divinely inspired?

5) Errors: Many scholars have rejected the Apocrypha on the basis of the errors and contradictions found within it. In some cases, scholars have reason to believe that some of the moral and spiritual discrepancies are false doctrine rather than translation errors.  Some even cite what they call absurdities, or passages that are completely silly, and in no way could belong in the Bible.

6) Style: Scholars also feel that they can identify canonical books by their style.

7) Apostolic Authority: The most important criterion for the books of the New Testament was Apostolic Authority. This meant that a canonical book had to have been written by someone with the Gift of Apostle. This was sometimes difficult to verify because some of the books did not identify within themselves who the author was, and others were believed to be forgeries.

8) Read in the churches: Another important test included verifying that each book had been read in the first century churches.  Obviously, this restriction also makes it necessary that the books were completed before the end of the first century.

9) Quoted by leaders: The books had to have been quoted by early church leaders of the first century, in their writings. This is closely associated with 2) under Old Testament.

10) Rule of Faith: The New Testament books had to be consistent with the Rule of Faith, or what the Apostles had orally taught.

11) The Holy Spirit: As proof of divine revelation, the church fathers had to be convinced that each book was written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

12) Agreement: There had to be general agreement of the church fathers that each book was canonical.

13) Quotations: The books were given credibility when they were proven to have quoted other canonical books, as well as when other books quoted them as being scripture. This is again like 1) and 2) under Old Testament.

14) Claim Divine Inspiration: Church fathers said that each book had to claim divine inspiration, like 3) under Old Testament.

15) Edification: The books had to edify the church.

For more details, please see the following articles on my website:

I hope this helps.



Gratitude is the Key to Prayer

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

I recently received a secular e-mail that said:

Take a moment to reflect on your day… What are three things you feel grateful for?
List them out:


Regular practice of gratitude correlates with significant changes in the body’s biochemistry. Researchers have found that consistent practice produces major health benefits, including up to a 23% reduction in cortisol, a stress hormone associated with several health issues. Additionally, gratitude practice provides an opportunity to stay present in the moment and appreciate what we have rather than focus on what we don’t. This steady practice affords us the ability to avoid undesirable attitudes such as envy, anger, or judgment; and instead focus on more positive feelings and emotions.  

Then on that same day, I read Philippians 4:6 that talks tells us to prayer with thanksgiving. Somehow, my days at work immediately got much better, and I’m making it day by day.

Liberals Sob Over Children Separated from Parents

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Liberal politicians and news commentators are taking the spotlight and shining it on children separated from their parents–illegal immigrants–at the US / Mexico border. They’re crying and asking, “How could we do such a thing?”

Yet, where do they stand on abortion, when children are killed AND separated from their parents–3,000 each day in the U. S.?