Remember the Poor

I want to share a sad and self-explanatory e-mail that I recently received from a poor person.  The subject line said, “Oppression of the poor and someone trying to change themselves and no help.”

“Here is Stumbling blocks to the poor…, judging the poor wrongfully.  In the past I have applied for many jobs—denied—denied–so be it.  Tried to go for different trade in school and denied by phycologists and highly educated scholars.  That get paid to deny someone a means of trade to get out of the government programs.  With their IQ test.  Get big bucks for this.

Go to all different jobs and turned away.  No hire because of stumbling blocks and obstacles.  Need high school diploma along with PhD or bachelors or certificates.  Among many demand of technology and big education.  Judged because of speech impairment and no teeth for beauty.  If I went around the neighborhood and truly do what is in the Old Testament I would be chased away.  I mean go and offer to the rich neighbor to do their mowing or plowing snow for money to help me the poor.  They turn you away. 

To set obstacles that cause us to trip in trying to find our job to make money to live without the government.  I am very not happy of this conditions and I find no cooperation in the US.  I also find we get punished for trying to get off the system and penalized.  People that have jobs are braggers and like to call us freeloaders and employers that choose who they hire and will not hire some poor people.  Where does this oppression belong too?

I find you are making comments to the poor. So let me cry unto you for a job that could pay my way and sky rocket rent and heat and food.  In the modern day it is applying for jobs at stores or corporations, or restaurants or whatever it is.  They don’t have on job training as much as they use too.  They have set all kinds of demands to get a job to qualify and no one wants to give another person a chance without a big education among experiences.

So I say just like the prophet said they are turning to poor from their right.  Then blaming us for the nation’s problems.  Some of us are crying of bondage and oppression.  God does open the ears of the one being oppressed. 

My idea is that rent is way too high even for the working middle class.  My idea is to that housing should rent to buy the house and they would not have to keep paying every month.  I find that not right that the government has to pay our rent.  If they did not I would be living on the streets.  I do have Jesus Christ living in me.  I find cities are exploiting the poor by their new inspections every year to make themselves jobs.  Help with ideas of getting out of this mess of oppression and them exploiting rental clients to expand government power and hold us more in bondage. 

Thank you for your insights.  Please give me feedback on how I could get a living going to flee out of this trap of poverty I did not ask for.  If people are going to call us free loader they need to help us out of this bondage instead of finding fault.  Take action to help and serve.  There is some that are not happy in this life style.  US is not what is was based on and thing are upside down.

I hope you see the oppression that is happening to the poor.  There are many making harsh comments about us and some are drinking and drugging.  But not all.  It really hurts me to see others held back too…  But this is only my case and it happens to other people…  We need God’s kingdom here.  Then we will all have our own tree and own land to have our own house.  Plus peace and walk God’s way which his laws on base of LOVE. Please cry out for the poor of the oppression and exploiting the poor.  I hope I was not too bold.  But I get sick of people  saying  we are bums, lazy, dumb, fools, freeloaders, and drug attics or drunks when I one don’t and I know some others that don’t drink and drug.  If they want to make these comments they need to help the oppressed and fight to help the poor get out of the trap of poverty.  This includes big businesses.  God makes rich, and He makes poor.  I hope this shed light on the problems that we face.  There is more than one side of a story.” 

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