1) We are in the eternal plan of God for salvation from the lake of fire.
2) We are redeemed from the slave market of sin.
3) We are reconciled to God’s absolute righteousness. We have been adjusted to the very character of God as the standard by which we are to live.
4) God is propitiated toward the Christian’s moral guilt. He is satisfied that the penalty of death has been paid in our behalf.
5) We have been forgiven all of our trespasses–past, present, and future. That forgiveness is constantly made operational in time by our confession of our known sins.
6) The power of the flesh (the sin nature) has been neutralized. We are no longer under its domination, unless we choose to be.
8) We have experienced regeneration so that now we are again spiritually alive.
9) We have been adopted into God’s family with full adult privileges. None of the good things of God are kept from us.
10) We are acceptable to God for entrance into heaven.
11) We are justified with absolute righteousness of Christ imputed to us.
12) We are made near to God where once we were far off and estranged.
13) We have been delivered from the power of darkness. The satanic world has no control over us, unless we play games with it.
14) We have been transferred into God’s kingdom from the kingdom of Satan.
15) We have been placed on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ in our relationship to God.
16) The Christian is a love gift from God the Father to God the Son.
17) We have experienced the spiritual circumcision of the flesh in Christ, separated from its control and power.
18) We have been appointed priests unto God.
19) We are part of a special category of saved humanity–the Church, the body of Christ.
20) We possess heavenly citizenship.
21) We are members of God’s royal family and of the household of God.
22) We are in fellowship of the unity of the saints.
23) We are in a new partnership in Christ. Believers are in Christ, and Christ is in us.
24) We are given direct access to the God’s throne of grace in prayer.
25) We are within the much more care of God the father.
26) We are God the Father’s inheritance.
27) God the Father is the inheritance of the saints.
28) We are light in the Lord God.
29) We are personally united to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
30) We are the recipient of the ministries and the power of the Holy Spirit.
31) We are going to be glorified in the future in heaven.
32) We are complete in Christ, so we are positionally perfect.
33) We possess every spiritual grace blessing of God.
34) All sins have been by the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross–past, present, and future sins.
35) We are the recipient of eternal life.
36) All spiritual callouses have been removed from the facets of the soul at the point of salvation.
COL-176, 18:00