Obama Is Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Obama’s # 1 Problem:  Himself

In an interview earlier this week, President Obama said that it’s a “noble tradition” that “… government should pay its way; that it shouldn’t get so big that we’re leaving debt to the next generation.” 

He also said that some people are misidentifying the culprits who are responsible for the economic crisis, high unemployment, and the rising national debt. He went on to say that he would like to hear how the tea party (and Republicans) would fix our massive spending debt. 

With Democratic prospects looking bleak in the upcoming elections, he apparently wants to sound like a fiscal conservative, but his actions simply don’t match his words.  (In the pre-politically correct era, we would have called this “lying.”) 

For such a smart guy, the President left himself open to criticism that would even be easy for a grade-schooler.  If it’s a noble concept that government spending should be reigned it, then why did he add $2 trillion to the national debt by signing the failed stimulus package and the health care bill? 

Conservatives (as well as common sense) have made it clear that the fix for our massive spending and debt includes the following simple ideas:  stop spending; and, repeal the spending that has already been passed.  He created most of the debt that will saddle future generations.  So, the best answer to his questions would be that he should step down! 

Obama’s # 2 Problem:  His Pride

President Obama would like nothing more than to raise taxes on everyone by letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire, providing more taxes that he could re-distribute.  Unfortunately, almost all Americans disagree with this idea.  However, if he endorses the idea of extending any of the Bush tax cuts, then he is effectively agreeing that Bush had a good idea, and his pride won’t let him say anything favorable about a political opponent.

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