What’s Worse than the Coronavirus?

As of this morning, there have been 100 cases of Coronavirus and six deaths reported across 15 states in the United States.  It has caused a 3,700 point drop in the stock market, and all of the presidential candidates are pointing fingers.  What could be worse?

Well, there will be 1,000,000 abortions in the United States this year.  That means that 3,000 babies were killed yesterday; 3,000 are being killed today; and, 3,000 will be killed tomorrow.  These are, of course, preventable deaths; and, they are violent deaths (via scalpels and drugs).  They are performed willingly by doctors, and at the behest of their mothers.  Not one of the victims had anything to say about his own death, because they were killed before they drew their first breath.

Murder is defined as the killing of another human being committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation.

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