Who Has the Best Health Care in the World?

In the health care debate, we often hear both sides touting the “fact” that the U.S. has the best health care in the world, but the facts show that this simply isn’t true.  According to the most recent study by the World Health Organization, the U.S. ranks 37th, behind most European countries.  (See below for the list of the top 37 countries.)

Now, we can say that we’re in first place in terms of health care spending per capita.  This also puts us in first place for getting the least return on our health care dollars–spending so much to get so little.   (See https://christiandataresources.com/bibleblog/do-we-really-have-the-best-health-care-system-in-the-world/.)  No doubt we also have the wealthiest doctors and insurance companies in the world, and the most complex system of acquiring and using our health insurance.

If our health care system was the best in the world, we wouldn’t still rank 39th for infant mortality, 43rd for adult female mortality, 42nd for adult male mortality, and 36th for life expectancy.  Among developed countries, the U.S. ranks last in limiting preventable deaths (2008).  Why do we still have so many impoverished patients?  We simply need:  lower costs, easier access, and more bang for our buck.

So, here’s who has the best health care in the world: 

1         France
2         Italy
3         San Marino
4         Andorra
5         Malta
6         Singapore
7         Spain
8         Oman
9         Austria
10        Japan
11        Norway
12        Portugal
13        Monaco
14        Greece
15        Iceland
16        Luxembourg
17        Netherlands
18        United  Kingdom
19        Ireland
20        Switzerland
21        Belgium
22        Colombia
23        Sweden
24        Cyprus
25        Germany
26        Saudi Arabia
27        United  Arab  Emirates
28        Israel
29        Morocco
30        Canada
31        Finland
32        Australia
33        Chile
34        Denmark
35        Dominica
36        Costa Rica
37        United States of America

For more info, just Google “best health care in the world.” 

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