During the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, Dan Rather reported that it was “a disaster comparable to Hiroshima.” Really? Yeah, it was a sticky mess; it injured and killed some wildlife; and, it hurt the economy. But are our priorities so distorted that we can somehow relate this to the 60,000 human deaths and 70,000 injuries of Hiroshima?
When President Ford took office following President Nixon’s resignation in 1974, Ford said that the Watergate scandal had been “more painful and more poisonous than any foreign war.” Again, can you give me a break? Adolf Hitler was responsible for 10 to 20 million deaths during World War II, and Joseph Stalin killed 10 to 20 million more. How can you compare a political scandal to this?
However, in the United States, there is indeed something worse than war. It’s worse because:
– It has probably killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.
– These were not just deaths. They were murders.
– Its victims have not even been enemies.
– Its victims were not from some far-off land. They were Americans.
– Its victims were not even adults. They were defenseless children.
– Its victims were not guilty of anything. Rather, they were as innocent as one can be.
Legalized abortion in the U. S. has murdered over 40 million innocent American children since 1973.
Furthermore, consider the “pain” and “poison” of foreign wars that President Ford spoke of. What is more painful than a scalpel in the womb that destroys an unborn baby? What is more poisonous than chemicals administered in the womb to choke the life out of an innocent child?
This is worse than all the concentration camps that have ever existed, and we have all stood by and let it happen–even applauding it for the sake of women’s rights. Yes, our priorities are that distorted–confusing the sanctity of life with oil spills and politics.