You have probably heard those advertisements on TV for agencies that will help you negotiate a debt forgiveness plan with the IRS. If you don’t pay your taxes, you can pay these guys so you don’t have to pay the IRS as much. Of course, when someone does this, the tax burden falls onto the honest law-abiding taxpayers.
Willie Nelson did a similar thing, and he reduced his tax burden from $16 million down to only $6 million. So, for all of us who do pay our taxes, we can say, “I paid Willie’s taxes.” I wonder if he appreciates it. And, I wonder what he bought with my money.
It’s funny–I thought that if you didn’t pay your taxes, you’d go to jail. Maybe I’ve been believing that myth all these years.
“… give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)